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Astral Clearing and Healing

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Our astral body is really our dumping ground. Every time we have a creative thought, good or bad, it is stored in the astral. Every time we enter the astral plane, the memory of that visit is left in the astral body. Drugs, legal and illegal, leave grit in the astral. All these visits and creations create little bits of grit that float around the astral body, some big, some small, till eventually, the body is clogged.

When this body is cleared, you will feel clearer, lighter, and happier. More energy too.

Who needs astral clearing? If you visit the astral a lot, if you are psychic, if you meditate, if you live in a part of the world where the astral plane is close, if you are a negative thinker, if you are creative, if you are a dreamer, if you are ungrounded, if you get depressed, if you do drugs, if you have had entities... if you are any one of these things, then this is probably necessary. Autistic children and autistic adults also spend a lot of time on the astral plane, so they definitely need clearing.

Format: Video
Duration: 26:36

Astral Clearing and Healing
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