The Seven Rays of God are spiritual paths to self-mastery, each guided by a Chohan - an enlightened being who channels divine energy to help humanity align with virtues like love, wisdom, and power. Each Ray corresponds to unique qualities and life purposes, such as leadership, creativity, healing, or transformation, offering individuals a way to develop their highest potential.
The Chohans, though ascended, are deeply connected to humanity, offering guidance and wisdom to those on the path of self-discovery. True spiritual growth comes from balancing all Seven Rays, fostering harmony within and contributing to a greater collective purpose of enlightenment and divine service.
1st Ray Power of God - Chohan El Morya
The Blue Flame, representing the First Ray of God, embodies the essence of Will, Power, and Strength.
Ascended Master El Morya is the Chohan of the First Ray and the Chohan of God's Blue Ray of Protection, Faith, and the Power & Will of God.
He is also a chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood. El Morya represents the godly attributes of courage, certainty, power, forthrightness, self-reliance, dependability, faith, and initiative. These are the qualities of the Father principle - the statesman, the executive, the ruler.
2nd Ray Wisdom of God - Chohan Lord Lanto
The Yellow Flame, representing the Second Ray of God, embodies the essence of Illumination, Wisdom, and Joy.
Lord Lanto, Chohan of the Second Ray, is an Ascended Master of high attainment whose evolution is one of the mystery schools of China.
He now teaches at the Royal Teton Retreat in North America, which is congruent with the Grand Teton. There, he initiates souls pursuing the path of the wisdom teachings of Confucius, Lao Tzu, the Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Mary. Lanto has held the Golden Flame of Illumination for the Chinese people for many centuries. This Flame is anchored in China in the retreat of the archangels Jophiel and Christine in central China.
3rd Ray Love of God - Chohan Paul the Venetian
The Pink Flame, representing the Third Ray of God, embodies the essence of Unconditional Love, Unity, and Healing.
Paul the Venetian is the Chohan of the Third Ray of Divine love. He is the hierarch of the etheric retreat, the Château de Liberté, located on the etheric plane over southern France on the Rhône River.
Paul the Venetian is a majestic being of six feet, five inches in height. He is fair of countenance with deep blue eyes and golden, wavy hair. He is usually garbed in raiment of emerald-green velvet. Since he is a native of Venus, where the inhabitants are masters of the Flame and therefore radiate harmony and divine love, Paul's natural heritage is beauty and grace, diplomacy and tact.
4th Ray Purity of God - Chohan Serapis Bey
The White Flame, representing the Fourth Ray of God, embodies the essence of Purity, Harmony, and Ascension.
Serapis Bey is regarded in Theosophy as one of the Masters of Ancient Wisdom. In the Ascended Master Teachings, he is considered an Ascended Master who disciplines us in the initiations for the ascension. He is also a member of the Great White Brotherhood. He is regarded as the Chohan of the Fourth Ray.
Serapis Bey is the hierarch of the Ascension Temple at Luxor and the thirteenth member of the Council of Adepts of the Ascension Temple. He is also known as Serapis Soleil, Serapis of the Sun.
5th Ray Truth of God - Chohan Master Hilarion
The Green Flame, representing the Fifth Ray of God, embodies the essence of Healing, Manifestation, and Divine Truth.
Hilarion is the Chohan of the Fifth Ray of Healing and Truth. He is the hierarch of the Temple of Truth on the etheric plane near Crete, Greece. Hilarion was the high priest of the Temple of Truth in Atlantis. A short time before the continent's sinking, he transported the flame of Truth together with the artifacts of the Temple to Greece.
The focus of Truth that he established became the focal point for the Oracles of Delphi, messengers of Truth who served under the direction of Pallas Athena for hundreds of years until black priests penetrated the Delphic Order and perverted the Truth that had been brought forth.
6th Ray Peace of God - Chohan Lady Nada
The Purple and Gold Flame, representing the Sixth Ray of God, embodies the qualities of Selflessness, Devotion to Service, and Love
The Ascended Master Lady Nada is the Chohan of the Sixth Ray of Peace, Ministration and Service. She is also a member of the Karmic Board, on which she serves as the representative of the Third Ray of Divine Love.
Nada is an initiate and Master of the path of the Ruby Ray, and she teaches the unfolding of the rose of the heart, helping us to develop the sensitivity of the heart. She is very much involved with the initiation and sponsorship of twin flames and the Aquarian age family. She also ministers to the world's children with legions of angels who personally tend to the needs of the youth.
7th Ray Freedom of God - Chohan Saint Germain
The Violet Flame, representing the Seventh Ray of God, embodies the essence of Transmutation, Mercy, and Freedom.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain is the Chohan of the Seventh Ray and sponsor of the United States of America. He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Together with his twin flame, the Ascended Lady Aaster Portia, the Goddess of Justice, he is the hierarch of the Aquarian age. He is the great sponsor of Freedom's Flame, while Portia is the sponsor of the Flame of Justice and Opportunity. The name Saint Germain comes from the Latin Sanctus Germanus, meaning “Holy Brother.”