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Levels of Consciousness Introduction


Levels of Consciousness (LOC) are a complete overview of the evolution of Human Consciousness and possible life experiences.

Victim or Abuser consciousness is commonly known as the Ego or the Lower Self.

Self-Empowerment consciousness is about overcoming the Ego and the Lower Self and coming into an alignment with Life, where life starts to become more supportive.

Self-Realization consciousness starts with the first Inner Light awakening, known as the Spiritual or Higher Consciousness awakening, and progresses towards the Bliss of Full Consciousness
and the Absolute Self. 


For an introduction to the Levels of Consciousness, please read this article.

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Levels of Consciousness have 3 main categories:


1. Victim/Abuser Consciousness - The Realm of the Lower Self (Ego) LOC Anti-Life to Egoism


2. Self-Empowerment - Overcoming the Lower Self (Ego) LOC Positivity to Rationality


3. Self-Realization - Awakening to Full Consciousness LOC Inner Light to Full Consciousness


Movement up the scale can happen gradually and/or in “quantum leaps” and will often, but not always, be experienced as a total reality shift for the individual. Most often, the fastest way to raise the Level of Consciousness happens during the meetings with a Teacher who assists and guides you directly to the higher level of opening. You can send a message here to request your Private Session.


LOC Anti-Life to Egoism

LOC Anti-Life

LOC Destruction

LOC Abandonment

LOC Loss

LOC Anxiety

LOC Need

LOC Irritation

LOC Egoism

LOC Positivity to Rationality

LOC Positivity

LOC Trust

LOC Inner Will

LOC Allowance

LOC Rationality

LOC Inner Light to Full Consciousness

LOC Inner Light

LOC Inner Wisdom

LOC Inner Love

LOC Unity and Oneness

LOC Presence - Surrendering to Presence: Peace, Bliss, and Perfection. The Galactic / Cosmic / Christed Self. I AM Presence and Soul Merge

LOC Non-Duality

LOC Awareness - 1st Stage of Enlightenment: The Universal “I AM” Awareness Awakening

LOC Great Void - The Great Unknown Surrender, The Womb of the Universe

LOC Divine Love - 2nd Stage of Enlightenment: Divine Grace & Love Union

LOC Supra Causal Truth - 3rd Stage of Enlightenment: Supra Causal Truth Consciousness

LOC Full Consciousness - 4th Stage of Enlightenment: Absolute Self, Source Self, God Self

Infinite Ascension & Mastery

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