Level of Consciousness - Loss
The experience of loss and sadness is known to almost everyone. Losing loved ones, opportunities, dreams, relationships, and other things can lead to feelings of sadness, grief, regret, and remorse. This collection of emotions is commonly known as loss. For most, this feeling of loss is transient and resolved over a period of time as one adjusts to the new way of life without what has been lost.
Although it is uncommon for one to be born at this level of consciousness, it can become a semi-permanent place for those stuck in these unprocessed emotions. As a sustained level of consciousness, a person at the level of loss is chronically despondent and depressed, unable to move forward in life. These heavy emotions can keep the consciousness level low. Grieving what has been lost is natural, but at some point, one must process the feelings to return to a more balanced state.
The underlying issue with grief is attachment to what is perceived to be lost. When something is felt to be “mine”, pain results from the loss of this perceived possession, relationship, etc.
The following are indicators of unprocessed loss:

• Feelings of sorrow and sadness are predominate here
• Depression and grief over losses, perceived or real
• Mourning that can become long lasting
• The level of chronic losers, gamblers
• Life is viewed through a lens of sadness
• Feeling that what was lost cannot be replaced
• Loss of something or someone seems as a loss of everything
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