Level of Consciousness - Inner Love
“Wherever you are, and whatever you do, be in love.” (Rumi)
Inner love is intelligent and unconditional love. It is beyond intellect, and it is love that has a mutual attraction, and not necessarily towards a woman or man.
Love on a lower level of consciousness is emotional love. It is usually reflected through our relationship with our partner, but on a higher level of consciousness, intelligent love guides us within.
A mutual attraction can be with our heart, soul, and deepest heart. Our deeper heart calls us as an attraction. It gives us signals, and messages to our conscious mind to connect with something deeper.
The mind is saying: “What should I look for? What's going to make me happy? Shall I buy this, shall I go there, shall I travel, shall I meet someone?”
The conscious mind usually translates this into ‘let me look for something’, typically external. When we reach the higher consciousness of Inner Love, we realize that the calling is internal. It calls us to reach within and discover that the call is to find happiness and love inside.
This internal calling guides us to return into our heart, back to our soul. This is Intelligent Love.
In the subconscious and unconscious mind, there is a distance that needs to be worked through and healed, and Love is the greatest force, bringing us home as Love invites us to come back to Love.
Inner Love is when the mind drops and centers into the Heart. The mind surrenders all its knowledge to Love because Love is the Answer. Inner Love opens its doors to the Heavenly realms. It is the most beautiful spiritual honeymoon period, when fear noticeably decreases, and a sense of wonder becomes natural. A courageous spirit arises to confront everything in ourselves and our lives that is not a reflection of Love.
Inner Love is the consciousness level referred to as the fifth dimension in Ascension teachings. Inner Love can be opened by devoting ourselves to our Inner Spirit, our own Higher Self in the Heart. This Love further grows and matures to encompass others and to love ‘thy neighbor’, thus opening and expanding to the Unity Consciousness, where we feel at-oneness with everything.

Common processes & realizations
• Intelligent and compassionate Love.
• Love from within, which does not depend on outside circumstances.
• Loving kindness as a state of being.
• Cultivating a compassionate heart starts here.
• This is a spiritual honeymoon time, being in love with all.
• The capacity to love all living beings arises.
• Love flows from inside the heart, and uplifts those around you.
• Love is accompanied by a sense of truthfulness and pure motives.
• Better discernment of the essence of people, situations, and issues.
• More accurate intuitive insights and holistic problem solving become possible.
• Inner Ascension to Heaven (fifth-dimensional consciousness).
• Connecting with Ascended Masters is common.
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