Opening to Boundless Love & Divine Blessing Initiation
This Guided Meditation invokes the Pink Flame to ignite the Flame of Love and deepens into Divine Love. We Invite the Presence of Quan Yin and Anandamayi Ma to support this Transmission. Lyonne guides you step by step into a Divine Blessing Initiation.
About the Pink Flame
Brings Re-Union with Unconditional Love of Self Pink Flame has a twofold purpose: re-union with all aspects of ourselves and Unconditional Love of All and of Self. Reunion of all forms of Self is bringing all forms of Self; it is the returning of all aspects of the Soul back to the One. It is acknowledging and accepting all we have been in past lives. It is the acceptance of our own yin and yang, our own light and dark. And knowing all, we love unconditionally all parts of ourselves as part of the One. And in seeing this in ourselves, we can then see it in everyone and Love All unconditionally.
About the Divine Self
Your Divine Self exists at an even higher level than your soul. It is the Divine essence of your being, the source of all light and life within you. Your divinity is unconditional, pure in nature, timeless, infinite, formless, immortal, self-existence, self-aware, and unclouded by ignorance. It never departs from truth and oneness and never falls from the inherent light and the natural harmony of its divine existence. Lives eternally in the presence of the Absolute / Source.
Format: Video
Duration: 31:08