Heart of Bliss 3 Day Workshop
Join this 3-Day Workshop in the comfort and convenience of your home to raise your Consciousness. This workshop is conducted over 5 sessions of Satsang, as each session builds on the previous one to take you deeper and deeper into your Self. This workshop includes 3 Consciousness Transmissions by Sat Mindo, which are powerful transmissions of pure Source Consciousness.
The 5 Session Workshop is best done over a three-day period when you have the time to devote to yourself and your spiritual development, but it can be done over a shorter or longer period if needed. It is important to do the sessions and meditations in order the first time you take this retreat, but after that, individual meditations can be repeated as needed.
What is included in the 3-Day Workshop:
Session 1: Everything is Light
The opening begins with a beautiful, heartful, grounding mantra to harmonize and gather all energies into the space of the Heart. As we repeat the mantra, a soft Consciousness Transmission assists you in settling into your beingness. In this beingness you can feel the aliveness of the body, with all cells filled with Light. The body is, in reality, Light appearing in a physical form. Instead of allowing this light to dissipate in daily activities, it is important to cultivate and harmonize it. This grounding meditation and Consciousness Transmission sets the tone to prepare for the blissful journey to the Source.
Duration: 52:55
Session 2: Spheres of Listening
The key intention of this session is to spend time with your Soul, listening to the Soul, especially listening with the Heart. By doing this, you prepare to listen to the Source, which is in the heart of your Soul. You can surrender all challenges, obstacles, and even the mind itself to this Love. During the meditation, a column of Golden Light softens the mind's energy to allow you to deepen into the open space of listening to the Soul. This session prepares us for the journey upstream to the Source.
Duration: 46.31
Session 3: Journey Upstream to Divine Source
Sat Mindo focuses on the aspect of Love as we begin this journey to the Divine Source. This is a beautiful journey that takes you upwards to your Higher Self, I AM Presence, Christed Self, Monad, Great Void, and finally, the Divine region of Consciousness. In this illuminating meditation and Consciousness Transmission, your Soul reconnects with each of these regions. Your Soul knows them, as you came here from the Divine. As you gently come back to the body, the imprint of the Divine stays with you, healing the mind and the lower bodies.
Duration: 57:05
Session 4: Loving Spirit of Source Etheric Retreat
After taking a journey in the last session to the Divine Source, you can take the time now to ground this energy into your energy centers. This special session includes a meditation to focus on the Spirit of the Source, to invite and draw its presence around you. This peaceful, loving, nurturing energy allows you to rest and rejuvenate. You can come back to this meditation whenever you need a boost of healing energy as your personal etheric retreat.
Duration: 48:40
Session 5: Heart of Bliss Transmission and Sri Yantra
The 3-Day workshop finishes with a sublime Transmission of Bliss with the support of the Sri Yantra, which is a blueprint of the universe. Four upward triangles signify Shiva, while five downward triangles represent Shakti, encompassing the Cosmic and human realms around a central point called the Bindu. It also symbolizes the union of masculine and feminine divine energies. In this meditation, we will be projecting the image of the Sri Yantra onto the Amrita Nadi, which is also known as the Heart on the Right and the Channel of Bliss. This healing meditation and Consciousness Transmission impresses this perfect blueprint into the Heart on the Right, allowing the healing of all that isn't perfection. Repeated practice makes it easier to allow the mind's energy to drop into the Heart on the Right.
Duration: 42:59
This 3-Day workshop, or individual sessions in the workshop, can be repeated as needed to assist in raising your consciousness further, as well as grounding Divine energy into your body and energy system. In time, you will see changes in your life as you integrate these energies.