Special Event Divine Love Transmission
Tue, 20 Aug
The absence of love means the absence of reality. Everything else is illusory.

Time & Location
20 Aug 2024, 18:00 – 19:30 CEST
About the Event
Topic: Divine Love Transmission (SAT LOK) Satsang & Guided Meditation True spirituality exists only when the Soul finds joy in the Infinite. The absence of love means the absence of reality. Everything else is illusory. A Full Realization of this sublime fact is genuine spirituality. When we drink from that fountain of Boundless Love, we have eternal life. In perfect Oneness with Boundless Love.
Time: Tuesday 18:00 (Malta Time)
Click here to convert the time to your local time zone.
The meeting will include the following:
- Satsang Meeting
- Divine Love Transmission with a guided meditation
Zoom link
Upon registering, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the Zoom meeting. Kindly make sure your email address is spelled correctly before ordering. If you do not receive the email, check your email folders for spam/junk/bulk/promotions. If the confirmation email is there, you can whitelist notifications@wixevents.com to ensure that it comes straight to your inbox the next time you register.
Please always make sure that you are checking the email address you used to register for the event. Contact Lyonne if you cannot find the email in any spam/junk/bulk/promotions folders.
Scholarship Fund
We are dedicated to making the teachings available to all. Therefore, we offer scholarships to those who cannot afford a meeting or retreat with Lyonne. Tickets for this event are offered on a sliding scale, and there is an option to donate to the scholarship fund.
Lyonne Premananda is a spiritual teacher and co-founder of the New Humanity Divine Marga International. She shines the Light on Divine Love, Devotion, and Natural Full Consciousness. Lyonne assists Souls in uncovering and awakening their deepest True Self's inherent Truth, Love, and Wisdom. With a decade of experience as a spiritual guide, she has worked with people from all walks of life.
Note about Event Recordings
Participants understand that all events hosted by New Humanity Divine Marga will be recorded for archiving and publishing. New Humanity Divine Marga makes no representations or warranties for any benefit received by using recorded materials during the events.
Divine Love Transmission
€22.00Sale endedDivine Love Transmission
€33.00Sale endedDivine Love Transmission
€44.00Sale endedDivine Love Transmission
€55.00Sale ended