Divine Love
The greatest gift of all is the potential for every Soul to experience God's enormous presence within. From the perspective of God's realization within you, we waste so much of our time and energy on things that are ultimately insignificant when compared to the authentic natural You. Merging with God's Love and Bliss is not an easy undertaking. It takes much surrender to confront the ego-I.
It takes a lot of courage to face your adopted beliefs and core structures. All that has generated such an illusion that your attention and focus have been absorbed into sensory objectives that cause ongoing bondage, creating much sorrow and limitation.
We have a choice of directing our attention and concentration to the Divine—to the upward Audible Life Stream Divine Current. By attaching yourself to a power that is mightier than all sense desires—the divine current, the life-giving stream—one becomes free from all bonds and is endowed with unlimited power.
This is why Masters, avatars, and gurus from all ages, times, and cycles have always reminded us to awaken to God and his presence within. The remembrance of God's love within.
What is Divine Love? It is the deepest radiant Love that emanates from the Heart of the eternal Ocean of Consciousness. Beyond our five senses, beyond dualities, and all possible experiences, Divine Love sustains all universes, it is the glue that keeps all together.
This book contains spiritual gems:
Divine Love is love that can be found everywhere, throughout everything, beyond everything, in everyone, and beyond everyone. It is a love, the light of the Divine, that has been forgotten in our civilization, disregarded, and this is our humanity's greatest cry: for love, to be seen, to be acknowledged. We anticipate love, and humanity is suffering from a core wound: believing we are distinct from divine nature because we have simply forgotten what it is like to live as a Divine being, to be continually in Union with God within.
In essence, we are our true essence, which exists beyond birth and death and is always blissful, united, and in love with God.
Devotion - Bhakti​
Faith and devotion are necessary for the Soul to cross into the Divine, which is the ultimate test or surrender. Devotion at the pre-awakened state may involve devotion to a statue or deity, while at the level of divinity, it is an absolute merging in union with God. Faith has qualities of loyalty, confidence, and trust in God's will. Loyalty and trusting the higher way, support a person to rise up and transcend the personal ego-I.
At the highest level, faith dissolves into God, even if things are not working out exactly how one wants them to. This trust is the highest intelligence, and faith helps us go beyond personal struggles and rely absolutely on God's will. Faith and devotion have depth and a certain closeness, and one may realize that the highest form of devotion is devoting to the formless God.
We explore the concept of constant attunement to experience the sweet nectar of the Divine. By disengaging from the external world and by turning inward, we can elevate our consciousness and achieve higher attunement. However, it's essential to balance this practice with devotional and heart-centered approaches to avoid imbalance.
We are able to disengage from distractions and connect with our divine nature by immersing ourselves in beneficial practices such as meditation, chanting, listening to devotional music, inner journey of surrender, and realizing the ability to refocus your attention. This will ensure that not a single moment passes without acknowledging the divine presence within. Lyonne helps people recognize that the ultimate truth is an innate part of themselves that they must reclaim and embrace. By doing this, we open ourselves up to the infinite power of wisdom, light, and love that is inside of us.
In this enlightening video, Lyonne takes us on a deep dive into the profound teachings of the Bhakti Sutras. Our main focus will be on the sutra that states "Love alone is Supreme." By aligning ourselves with the path and purpose of our Soul, we are presented with a remarkable opportunity to rediscover the true essence of our existence.
Through the practice of Bhakti, we will learn to prioritize the eternal love of the Supreme above all else, liberating our Souls from the constraints that confine us in the lower realms of existence. By surrendering both personal and impersonal aspects of our lives to the love of God, we open ourselves to embrace the essence of pure love and grace.