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The True Home, Divine Love, Satsang & Transmission

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Product Details

Dive deep into the realm of Divine love and reconnect with your true essence. Through unraveling the illusions that keep us trapped in ignorance and suffering, we can awaken to our true nature and experience the boundless oneness that transcends all divisions. This transformative exploration invites us to surrender fixed ideas and shed our attachment to identity, allowing us to open ourselves to the pure love of God. By turning inward and reconnecting with the Divine, we rediscover our essence and eliminate any doubts about the eternal presence of the Divine within us.

Experience a blissful Meditation guided by Lyonne as you will be immersed in boundless love, joy, and a profound sense of homecoming. With the presence of Anandamayi Ma, radiating love and light, you will be enveloped in an ocean of eternal love and pure bliss. Surrender to the love of God within and let go of limitations as you dissolve unnecessary barriers with the golden illuminosity of Divine love.

Format: Video
Duration: 01:15:35

The True Home, Divine Love, Satsang & Transmission
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