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The 7 Rays of God & Ascended Masters (Chohans)

  • 23 Steps


The 7 Rays of Ascension represent God’s light and energy, which, like a rainbow, refracts into seven distinct rays. The diverse forms of life on Earth are uniquely patterned according to the Vesica Pisces, an energy known as the Holy Spirit. This energy moves within a specific geometric proportion found in everything on Earth, from our DNA to other forms of life - from stones to the atomic structure of water and life itself. This imprint, esoterically referred to as God, patterns all life. The influences that bring these energies into form possess various qualities - the 7 Rays. The 7 Rays of God can be understood not only in terms of color but also in relation to the seven tones of an octave of music and the qualities of geometric forms. They can also be interpreted as virtues. When we use these 7 Rays - we're working with a special quality of healing, transmutation, purification, and Ascension. This brings about a higher harmony and order, interconnectedness and unification of all life, and enhances the Souls' Ascension to higher planes of existence.

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